

I'd like to welcome you to my knitting blog. Here I hope to keep you all (and myself) up to date with my knitting projects, as well as various other crafty endeavors.

I can tell you right now that I'm not very good at much of anything, so it is likely that this blog will be more amusing than awe inspiring... Perhaps you may be inspired to do something in a similar fashion though... heh.


As of now I'm working on Kyoto from knitty.com which is my favorite site for patterns.

Really what I'd like to discuss more is a new project, a shrug for my trip to Montreal in a couple weeks. I stopped to The Stitching Well on State Park yesterday and picked up a skein of Cascade Yarns peruvian highland wool; I hope it will serve it's purpose well.

I started a bit last night begining with 10 rows of seed stitch and then adding and dropping stitches. (The first time I've gotten to drop stitches intentionally!!)

Unfortunately the coloration is odd in this picture, but you can get a feel for the type of stitching, at least.

If you have any suggestions on how I can make this blog more exciting/interesting, don't hesitate to let me know!


Anonymous said...

take a picture of a skien of yarn in flames, explain how you will utlize knitting to obtain world domination, and then write a bunch of slander on hollywood celebrities.

ec said...

Drat. It's not like lj where I can reply to your post... but slander is always a good choice!