
Rested and Rarin' to go!

Early Monday morning I returned from a relaxing, yet thrilling vacation in Jamaica! My spring break has been a long time coming since I started my MBA nearly two years ago, needless to say. I wish I had read and knit more on the trip, but the sleep was well worthwhile....

Now that I'm back to work full-time, I'm also back to crafting endeavours and more anxious than ever to get some new items cranked out. I haven't done a whole lot so far, however, I did get my first items listed on Etsy! All four of them are scarves and most I've had stored for quite some time, but I never found the right person to gift them to... at least now I'm doing something useful with them! Check back often as I hope to be updating weekly. All my best!

1 comment:

kimodified said...

Ohhh beautiful pix.
Maybe I'll move to Jamaica.